28. 7. 2022

European Symposium on Analytical Spectrometry (ESAS) and the 17th Czech-Slovak Spectroscopic Conference (CSSC)

Evropské symposium o analytické spektrometrii (ESAS) a 17. česko-slovenská spektroskopická konference (CSSC) (4. - 9. 9. 2022) je mezinárodní společné vědecké setkání, jehož cílem je sdílet nejnovější poznatky, vyměňovat si nápady, zkoumat nové směry a iniciovat možnou spolupráci v oblasti analytické spektrometrie.


V posledních letech se metody atomové spektrometrie staly součástí komplexních analytických nástrojů, které přesahují tradiční pojetí elementární analýzy.

Program konference


V rámci odborného programu zazní z úst Martiny Hákové příspěvek s názvem "Microplastics analysis by Agilent 8700 LDIR".

Abstrakt přednášky:

The popularity of microplastics has grown significantly over the last few years. There are many studies focused on the research of microplastics. The most commonly used analytical techniques within microplastic research are Raman and infrared spectroscopy, as well as gas chromatography. If more insightful and complex information is required, the spectroscopic technique is recommended. The biggest disadvantage of these methods is time consumption. Additionally, spectroscopic techniques also need very experienced operators. Agilent have introduced a unique technique which is incorporated into the Agilent 8700 LDIR instrument. The quantum cascade laser (QCL) is used in the Agilent 8700 LDIR, and this adds much needed speed into microplastic analysis. The second most important aspect of this instrument is the possibility of automatization. Almost anyone can use that instrument with just basic training, and the end result is that you receive your results very quickly. Dedicated software generates all the important sample information. You receive information about sample size, chemical identity, number of particles and also the microplastic distribution.

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